主讲人:martin de jong 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授
主持人:李慧凤 苏州大学政治与公共管理学院副教授
摘 要:
city branding is a way for cities to make themselves attractive to investors, companies, the highly educated, residents and visitors. terms such as eco cities, low carbon cities, smart cities, liveable cities etc. are not only used to create more attractive and sustainable living environments, but also used as a part of urban marketing efforts to generate loyalty. this presentation will focus on eco city development is a form of city branding and use strategies in the chinese mega city regions (jing jin ji, yangtze river delta and greater pearl river delta) to see how muncipal governments go about doing this.
martin de jong,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学技术、政策与管理学院教授,antoni van leeuwenhoek教授,欧盟中国问题专家,荷兰议会高级顾问,复旦大学兼职教授、千人计划海外高层次人才。主要研究领域:公共政策,生态城市治理,城市规划发展,区域经济绿色转型。主要研究成果:在public administration, journal of contemporary china, journal of cleaner production, journal of urban technology, environmental politics, sustainablity等期刊发表论文百余篇。